May 25, 2010

A place where I can talk to myself...(Hopefully not)

I don't know about most people, but my brain is often thinking about several things at once. When I mulling something over in my head, sometimes I can't help but start to have conversations with myself. Some of these ramblings are insightful, some of them really stupid, but I've wasted enough time just thinking about the random things in my head, I might as well write about them and see if anyone listens.

What do I expect from blogging? Nothing really, it's a great way to organize my thoughts and continue my education without costing an arm and a leg. But don't get me wrong, it would be great if I could get some dialog and debate going.

My expertise lies in two useless university degrees in the English language and Theology/Philosophy (with emphasis on ethics and jurisprudence). I am also a colossal nerd with interests in speculative fiction and media.

I am not afraid of debate and/or criticism, in fact I thrive on it. I know that I am just one opinion among many but I strive to at least be honest as possible.

Here's hoping this does something for me...

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